The Magnolia Project-D'Vision II Entertainment, LLC

The Grateful Magnolia Project

Here at DVE we are very excited to announce our newest charity project, The Grateful Magnolia Project.  The Grateful Magnolia Project is a local community project at this time but might grow into an international endeavor as God leads us. 

We have formed this project to help people in dire need of help. We have noticed a gap in charities for people fleeing from domestic violence that was not a spousal event.  There are quite a few services for spousal abuse and spousal verbal abuse. But very few shelters and services to help people get out a a violent environment that they ended up in that is not a husband or wife.

With drugs on the rise and families living together more due to financial demands this need for help for people fleeing from violence that is not a spouse abuse is huge. It could be a grandson or grand daughter, a friend, a relative, a neighbor or even a friend of a friend that comes to stay at their home and becomes violent or starts to rage at a point that is not welcome in any home. 

People who encounter this type of violence or verbal abuse can't always kick out the person doing the violence. Many times this can cause backlash and increase violence towards the victim. 

Shelters are crucial to helping the victim get out of the situation alive and with there sanity but most domestic violence shelters do not help anybody unless they are married and it's a spouse that is harming them. 

Our longterm goal is to provide secret, secure, housing and shelters for these people that are in dire need. 
We have decide to start our project with a campaign to push for shelters to help anyone fleeing from violence but this takes time to convince donors and grantors to include this type of victims. 

Right now victims have very few options, they can stay at a hotel if they have credit cards to use or go to a homeless shelter which is not the best choice for someone who is suffering from recovery from raging abuse. This can be like throwing a victim right back into the fire with other drug abusers that can become violent. Alot of victims try to stay with family but family doesn't always want them because the abuser would check there first for them. 

We have started our charity project by giving gift certificates to the local grocery store to families in need, staying at our local hotel here in Washington. The hotel staff have been amazing providing us with names of people who are staying there and are in need of grocery assistance. As of now, we have helped several families at the hotel with gift certificates and even more families of friends with actual food and personal necessities. 

We have taken our donations and been able to use the donated money on gift certificates without any of it going to expenses. Our goal is to keep this up as long as we can and we hope to continue this kind of management of the project.  We are looking forward to being able to work with community services and provide help not just to victims of domestic violence but to those in need of food and housing. 

Our hope is to eventually provide housing vouchers to people fleeing from violence. Leaving everything they love at home and taking off with just a pet and the luggage they can sneak out if they can take anything. We would love to be able to provide help to those in our community that are walking away in courage from the evil they have been living with. We would love to be able to provide our housing vouchers to hospitals, police stations, fire departments and community action programs. This is our future goal,  but for now we are focusing on feeding people in our community that desperately need help with food and other supplies.

Over Christmas, we helped a couple families by inviting them to share Christmas with us, these families are friends of our family but never the less one of them opened up to us that they didn't have a Christmas this year because they didn't have enough money and only had lunch because they didn't have enough food for dinner. They admitted that they go hungry alot and just don't have the money to provide for basic needs. This is one of the familes we blessed this last month or so with food and a gift basket full of girls bath supplies. They are a mother /daughter household that is living on disability the daughter experience domestic violence as a child and is on disability for mental complications that have resulted from the previous abuse. 

If you would like to help us we are accepting donation via paypal at All you need to do is go onto paypal and send us a donation to our email account with paypal. This money will go towards helping people in our community that are in dire need. 

Hopefully, this explains our project to you in a clear way. If you have any question feel free to use our contact form to send us a message. 

Love you all,  



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